Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bioflavonoid Bombs

The highlight of my summer (other than a road trip to Minnesota with my boyfriend) was when I got to attend this amazing Straight Blast Gym seminar. After only one and a half days of training, I got a bunch of polka dot bruises.

I asked a friend of mine who's an herbalist and nutritionist what she'd recommend, and she mentioned her teacher Paul Bergner's bioflavonoid bombs, which she said would be good for connective tissue health. Bioflavonoids rock because they maintain collagen health, plus they are loaded with anti-oxidants and other goodies. They also help with the absorption of vitamin C, which is good for blood capillaries.

Here's how you make them:
Add equal parts dried orange peel, dried rose hips and goji berries into a canning jar (we used a half-ping jar.) Add defrosted frozen berries (we used blueberries) until your jar is full. You can also add cinammon or any other spices. Then pour black cherry juice concentrate until your mixture is completely covered, and stick it in the fridge for 24 hours. When the berries have absorbed the juice, your bioflavonoid bomb is ready.

You can keep a week's worth in the fridge and freeze the rest. You may only need one tablespoon a day, but 2 or more may be necessary if you bruise easily, like me.

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